The glimpses of moving landscapes and visual imagery of passing nature has always intrigued me to keep those glimpses alive inertly within me. The momentary memory which stores sights of enormously diverse places holds a partial place in conscious recordings of these sites. The sublimity of nature has also been a comfortable space for me, to revert to and to revert it in. The expression of my inert comfort with nature and its changing moods, extreme atmospherical exchange and play of light between my memory and reality led me to visually expressing these natural glimpses. The expressions derived from memory of these natural scape, formed a place as drawings and later I developed them through to different mediums. These mediums resulted in development of a visual language which grew to a more sublime style of expression. My attempt has been to experiment with materials and that gave me a freedom of expression. 

In this journey of memory and visual imagery, a bonding with camera had always provided me a sense of security. As it allowed to capture a spontaneous moment. Since the past ten years or more, my relationship with camera has been thorough and consistant. It has surely helped me fulfil my need of recording a moment and developing it further. The drawings somewhere bridged the literal recording of camera anticipation with what surrounds the mind, the longings and belongings of vast landscapes. The unexpected dilemma of whether the image exit or not slowly transferred to drawings of landscapes. The fast movement gave birth to a space in between I hope these in between convey the essence of my connections of visiting strange landscapes.

These all works I did during my MFA Printmaking Final year in 2018-19 and works are done in Gum Dichromate print which was very prominent pigment based alternative photography process during 19th Century and I explored Alternative Photography Processes during my Graduation & Post-Graduation(Printmaking) time in 2016-2019. I am still continuing with those processes like Cyanotype, Gum-Dichromate, Gumoil, Vandyke. 
Sense of Place

Sense of Place


Creative Fields